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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/7 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sports mannequins are the ideal prop for displaying sports gear and gym wear. Mannequin Mall features a diverse selection of athletic and sports mannequins relating to every kind of sport as well as casual gym-goers. Whether you are looking for a football mannequin or a yoga mannequin, we've got it. Made of high quality fiberglass, each sport mannequin is built to last. Their realistic athletic poses make your display come to life, grabbing and holding customers’ attention and inviting them to shop.
Our male and female sports mannequins come in many different heights, sizes, and colors. Athletic mannequins come in realistic to abstract faces, male and female physiques, athletic to muscular builds, our collection covers the entire spectrum. Most models are offered in white, black, gray, or a shade of nude. Their bodies are easily taken apart and reassembled for an efficient dressing process. If you need a muscular football mannequin physique to show off your sports gear collection or female models in yoga poses to showcase your latest fitness wear, we have just the sports mannequins for you. Football mannequins are very popular with the NFL as well as college football programs across the USA. We have supplied tons of football mannequins to these types of programs. Our assortment includes male models in basketball, football, golf, and soccer poses. Our female physiques hold yoga and gymnastics poses. Others appear to be running or stand in casual stances, fit for any kind of athletic gear. Running mannequins are also very popular. No matter what type of sports clothing you retail, we have the optimal mannequins to model your merchandise.
Sports mannequins are an essential part of your athletic gear display. Whether in a retail window or in the midst of a store, athletic mannequins advertise how flattering and fashionable the fitness wear will appear on the body. Every single article of clothing looks better on a realistic physique than on a hanger. When customers see the merchandise modeled in three dimensions, they can visualize how well the clothes will look on their own bodies in real life. Nothing induces a shopping spree like a positive, flattering image inside the shopper’s mind. Get your athletic and sports mannequins from us!
When you think about a sport or athlete, you think about “motion” or “action.” You think about specific action poses in your mind. For example, if I said the word “yoga” you would immediately picture someone in some type of yoga pose or stretch. If I said the words “football” or “running,” you would imagine a man or woman running or catching a ball. How about “golf”? You think of someone taking a swing with their golf club on the greens.
The point is that these type of words conjure images in our minds.
What better way to express this if you are an athletic-wear or activewear fashion brand than your very own sports or athletic mannequins that are displayed like they’re already in a sports-specific motion. It would be difficult for your customers to visualize actionable merchandise when they are displayed on regular, basic mannequins that you see in every store.
That’s boring.
It’s time to step up your game if you are a sports or activewear brand which is why sports mannequins are one of the best investments your company will make.
Whether it’s for an athletic environment, yoga, football, golf, soccer, weightlifting/crossfit, basketball, skiing or any other sport we have you covered with the largest selection of sports mannequins that can give your store the identity it deserves.
With our large assortment of sports & athletic mannequins, you are bound to find the right match that fits the criteria you’re looking for. Some of the more common sports mannequins like the basketball and football options are available in different sizes, which enables our customers to make quick and confident decisions.
Athletic sports mannequins can be very effective when advertising your merchandise to customers who envision themselves in a similar routine or idealize the body type of the mannequin displayed. Good thing our sports mannequins have great bodies that look like they have been hitting the gym hard! This establishes a subliminal message being portrayed by your merchandise through an athletic sports mannequin and can not only benefit your customers, but set a positive image for the future of your business.
Since people can relate to working out at the gym or watching their favorite teams perform their favorite sports on television, putting a sports mannequin in your store reminds your customers of what they already like or want to participate in. Depending on the type of merchandise your brand offers, displaying it on a male and Female sports mannequin will play a major role in effective indirect communication and advertising with your customers. At Mannequin Mall, we understand the importance of the male and female sports mannequin variants and offer them to you accordingly. For instance, if you’re selling yoga merchandise, it would be better to have female yoga mannequin displaying your merchandise, and if you’re selling jerseys for basketball or football, a male mannequin in a shooting or running pose would be the best representation of that.
We will break down the different attributes of male and female sports mannequins, the industries they will be representing, and how you go about making the more difficult choices between different sports & athletic mannequins.
The sports and activewear fashion niche has exploded in popularity over the past few years. In our opinion, this explosion of growth can strongly be attributed to social media where people love showing their results or pictures of themselves playing a sport. As the sports and activewear niche has grown, there is a specific need for these type of brands to display their clothing in the best way possible. If you are a yoga brand, you want a specific yoga mannequin. If you are a running brand that sells runner’s gear you want a running mannequin. If you are the NBA or sell basketball clothes/shoes, you want a basketball mannequin. You get the picture.
Fashion retailers want sports-specific mannequins now because they display the brand image better to their customers.
Sports and being active are universal. Whether you are a man or woman, it doesn’t matter and you can find brands that cater to either or both. This is why Mannequin Mall has the largest selection of sports mannequins in the USA. Weightlifting/crossfit, running, yoga, basketball, skiing, and even golf mannequins! The list of sports is endless.
Looking for high quality mannequins to professionally display your gym and activewear? Here at Mannequin Mall, we have top of the line fiberglass mannequins that are well constructed and durable enough to withstand any punishment it endures.
One of the most common activities performed in a gym setting is weightlifting. We have mannequins that strike weightlifting and different exercise poses for maximum appeal when being displayed in your store.
Customers want something they can aspire to. That is why in lots of advertising images and videos, you see the very best and fittest. We have taken this concept and developed top-of-the-line mannequins that will make your sports gear look its very best.
Whether you’re trying to sell gym wear to males or females, or both, our sports and athletic mannequins can accommodate exactly what you’re looking for. We have an assortment of mannequins that have various poses. Check out our massive selection today!
We have the largest selection of yoga mannequins online. Looking for a mannequin that is elegant and able to accurately depict different yoga positions? Our fiberglass yoga mannequins do just that.
They resemble real yoga poses which resonates with customers that are looking for merchandise like yoga pants and tops. With our large assortment of female yoga mannequins, you are bound to find several additions that would look great in your studio or store. Our yoga mannequins come in a beautiful white color and are made of quality fiberglass material. This ensures that they are durable and will last a long time.
When your customers see the motion of yoga mannequins, it adds a level of realism that cannot be observed from an ordinary fashion mannequin. We recommend looking through our selection and making choices based on the most popular yoga positions, for the most effective display of your merchandise.
Based on our selection of sports and athletic mannequins, you should be able to find the right fit for your business needs. As we said before, if you are a golf brand, you need a golf mannequin. If you sell running clothes, you obviously need a mannequin that is in a running pose. If you are a football or soccer team, it’s time to step up your display and get a football mannequin. Shop with confidence inside our online store today!