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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/21 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Mannequin torsos are a popular option for retail stores, online sellers, as well as designers and tailors. They are a more affordable option than full-length mannequins. Mannequin torsos also require less space and can easily be hung up on walls in order to maximize floor space. If your business requires a model for displaying its merchandise, you can choose from our fiberglass or plastic torsos. If you need to pin and fit articles of clothing onto a mannequin, our dress form torsos will fulfill your needs. Torso models are the economical, space-saving choice for many sellers and tailors alike.
If your retail venue is on a low budget or low on floor space, a full-size mannequin is not the best option. Instead, consider a mannequin torso that can be hung from the ceiling or on a wall. The torso usually extends from the head or neck down to the crotch or mid-thigh. It is just the right amount necessary to show off your store’s clothing collection. From shirts and blouses to skirt and dresses, the torso is all you need to showcase all your beautiful wares.
For a more refined look, you may opt for one of our high quality fiberglass versions. In case you need to curb your expenditures, you might prefer our more economical plastic torsos. The plastic options are also extraordinarily sturdy, making them a great choice for busy, bustling locations. Whichever model you choose, it will be an asset to your business as it helps attract the attention of your customers.
If you are in the business of designing or tailoring clothing, you will benefit from our mannequin torsos made out of heavy-duty foam covered in fabric. This type of mannequin torso is referred to as a dress form because tailors and designers form their creations around the silhouette. In case you need a longer silhouette, some torso dress forms include a removable bottom cage.
From retail stores to tailor shops, mannequin torsos are an affordable, space-saving way to get the job done.
Mannequin torsos are perfect for any fashion retail store or shop where you need to display clothing so it is no surprise that they are a very popular option. They come with the convenience of conserving space which enables you to have additional floor room for more important displays like full-body mannequins.
Space isn’t the only thing they conserve either. If you’re on a smaller budget and only looking to utilize a specific section of a mannequin, such as the torso, then a mannequin torso is the perfect solution for your shop or retail store. These models can be hung up on the wall or be strategically placed near the full length mannequins in the store to receive the same amount of attention without having to sacrifice space and seem like your store is cluttered.
We also offer the largest selection of mannequin torsos in the USA. The most popular ones being our models made with high-quality fiberglass. This is because the material designed for the mannequin makes these models look beautiful and flow seamlessly through your store. They look great and are a classic piece for any shop. Our fiberglass mannequin torsos also come in a wide variety of different colors to choose from. You can even go crazy and get a pink or yellow one.
Incorporating mannequin torsos into your store is also more visually appealing than only having full-body shop mannequins. It is good to switch it up and have a variety of both types. This enhances the customers’ experience when looking at your merchandise that’s displayed on the mannequin torsos. Regardless of your budget, we’re confident that we can find the right mannequin torso to fit your needs, while also maintaining a high-level of quality that will ensure your shop mannequin looks great for the years to come.
Deciding between two different mannequin torsos may seem tough at first glance, but breaking down a few components that go into your purchasing decision should clarify which mannequin torso provides the most value to your business. At Mannequin Mall, we have high quality fiberglass variants and economically-friendly plastic variants as well.
Based on their characteristics and the location of your business, you will be able to make an informed decision on which mannequin torso best fulfills your criteria. Coincidentally, although plastic mannequins may not sound very durable based on what they are called, they are surprisingly very sturdy and out of the two, can endure the most punishment long term. They can also be referred to as “unbreakable” mannequins, which means you get plenty of use out of them.
Plastic mannequins are also less expensive than fiberglass, but the torsos are already more economical to begin with, so it’s possible the fiberglass torso would be within your retail stores spending budget.
Also, plastic mannequin torsos are comprised of more environmentally friendly materials which makes them unique in the sense that they can be recycled. At the end of its lifespan, the mannequin can be broken up into smaller pieces, compacted, and reconstructed into an alternative mannequin or other plastic products. Specifically, a plastic mannequin torso would be perfect for showcasing all of your garments from the ceiling or on a wall, while also maintaining its sturdiness to withstand even the busiest of retail store locations.
Fiberglass mannequin torsos are also indeed durable, but more vulnerable than its plastic mannequin counterparts. The punishment endured by fiberglass mannequins can cause marks or chipping over an extended period of time. In the area of longevity, plastic mannequins are the obvious winner. But in the overall appearance department, fiberglass mannequins take the win.
Based on the characteristics of both mannequins, making a final decision can be difficult, but in the end your selection should be narrowed down to your current budget, space, and clothing design. Browse our enormous selection of plastic and fiberglass mannequin torsos today to get your requirements fulfilled.
As we have already mentioned, narrowing your focus on which type of mannequin torso needed for your store may seem difficult, but to be quite honest, you cannot go wrong with either. Mannequin torsos are a fabulous choice that should be used in every store or shop. They are a great addition for displaying your clothing, and most importantly, they will help you sell more.
It is great to have a mix of both full-body shop mannequins as well as just torsos only. Torsos are also more economical and versatile. They can be placed on tabletops and places where space is tight. These models also come in various colors and different bases. If you want a white, gray, black, blue, purple, blue mannequin, we’ve got it. There are a ton of different other color choices as well and depending on your needs. The variety of bases is also something to consider. Black or silver versus brushed or glossy, these are the options you have when you are looking to purchase a torso. Make sure to shop our huge selection of mannequin torsos and if you have any questions, give our Customer Support a call.