Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Display dress forms are mannequins usually utilized by seamstresses and designers to tack and fit clothing articles. Mannequin Mall features an assortment of these dress forms for all your sewing and tailoring needs. With our display dress forms made of cloth-covered, heavy-duty foam, you can pin and tack fabrics over and over again without fear of causing damage. We offer only high quality mannequins.
Our collection includes both female and male models. You can elect between adult and child physiques. With each model, you can pick a dress size for the precise dimensions you need. If you want a few differently sized bodies, consider our adjustable dress forms with dials to expand and reduce the sizes.
Dress forms are offered with complete and well as partial physiques. If you are most concerned about the fit at the waist, chest, and shoulders, then a torso form should suffice.
Some designers and seamstresses need clothing articles to fit all along the length of the lower body. In order to design and sew a flattering silhouette around the bottom half, many professionals require a model that extends from the head or neck down to the feet.
An alternate option is a torso form with a removable lower extension. The extension consists of a cage-like structure in the shape of a lower body. It provides the bottom silhouette crucial for enhancing the shape of dresses and skirts. Many professionals like this type of dress form because they can detach the bottom extension when they are working on blouses or any other clothing for the top half.
Display dress forms are also useful as props for showcasing retail attire. Online stores as well as brick and mortar shops use them as economical display mannequins. Clothes always look better on any three-dimensional figure than on a simple hanger.