Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/21 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/21 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
For a luxurious and eccentric display of your merchandise, you might consider one of our gold mannequins. We have both male and female versions for you to choose from.
A gold mannequin is an abstract piece of art, drawing all attention toward it. Its stunning gold finish makes it appear regal and expensive. Any merchandise modeled by your golden mannequin will automatically gain value in the eyes of the customers. Yet this type of mannequin is not only suitable for high-end stores. Even the most affordable shop enhances its image as well as the perceived value of its products just by using one of our gold mannequins for its display.
Gold mannequins tend to be made from high quality fiberglass, optimizing the quality of the golden finish. They are easily taken apart in order to facilitate the dressing process. Once clothed, each mannequin stands securely on its sturdy base.
As an example, we have a female gold mannequin with an abstract face. It leans to one side and has one elbow bent so that it can showcase a beautiful bag, purse, or bracelet. This model would be ideal for any boutique or jewelry store.
Another example is a male gold mannequin with realistic facial features. Tall and athletically built, it stands in a confident pose with both hands at its hips. This stance would make any shirt or jacket look awe-inspiring on its figure. This particular model would be optimal for an athletic wear company to show off its fitness apparel.
No matter which version you choose, all gold mannequins increase the apparent worth of your merchandise and business. They are an asset to any store, providing a luxurious look which indicates that quality and riches abound. If you plan on investing in just one mannequin, make it one of our golden mannequins.