Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Plus size mannequins offer something extra in either width or height. They are meant to provide an idea of how certain clothing would look on larger sized men and women. If your retail store caters to heavy-set or tall individuals, you may wish to consider our selection of plus size mannequins. From male physiques over six feet tall with thicker middles to female figures of tall stature and voluptuous proportions, Mannequin Mall features an interesting selection of bigger models. Take a look at our assortment to find just the right choice for your display purposes.
Our plus size mannequins will certainly attract shoppers who identify with fuller figures. Seeing clothes only on slim models and mannequins can be discouraging to customers with several extra inches in height or width. Featuring clothing on plus size physiques provides these shoppers with an idea of how the attire might look on their shapes. If you choose mannequins that are representative of your customer base, your sales are likely to increase.
Like all of our mannequins, our plus size versions are made of fiberglass, plastic, or dense foam. Most of them have complete physiques for displaying anything from hats down to shoes. They come in a variety of different poses. We also offer invisible plus size mannequins. These models have removable body parts. After you dress them up, you simply remove any exposed parts. The result is a virtually undetectable mannequin completely covered by clothing. It will appear as if the outfit is floating in the air.
Besides being used for display purposes, mannequins are also utilized for fittings. When seamstresses need to create clothes for larger body frames, they turn to plus size dress form mannequins. These foam models often only extend from neck to crotch and allow professionals to sew by the measurements around the waist, chest, and shoulders.
Plus Size Mannequins have grown incredibly fast amongst retailers the past few years. You can now find Plus Size Mannequins in big box stores as well as small boutiques.
These mannequins are all designed to be plus-size as well as attractive. Your retail clothing will look great on all of these full-figured female models!