Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/21 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/21 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Mannequin Mall offers a large selection of mannequins for retail businesses, fashion photographers and designers, as well as seamstresses. It is our business to provide your business with only the best of all mannequins on the market. Whether you need a model to display or photograph your latest fashion collection, or you need it for fitting and sewing clothes, we have the perfect mannequin for your specific purpose. Peek inside our store and see all mannequins we offer.
From child to adult, female as well as male, our models span the entire gamut. Each mannequin is available with specified measurements or options of size. From slim to athletic male bodies and slender to full figured female models, we provide a large assortment. You can opt for abstract as well as realistic looking mannequins depending on your particular taste and display needs. Black, white, and flesh-toned mannequins are in high demand among many retail shops. Other stores choose to capture shoppers’ attention with a colorful mannequin. Models finished in metallic shades and every color of the rainbow add a bit of spice to any retail venue.
The options are countless. You can opt for a full or partial physique, depending on your display needs. Mannequin heads are widely chosen by jewelry stores and hair salons. These models include only the head, neck, and possibly the shoulders, ideal for displaying necklaces, wigs, and scarves. Mannequin torsos extend from mid-thigh or crotch to the neck or head. This type is preferred by retail businesses selling bikinis and undergarments. Foam torsos are also used by seamstresses for fitting and pinning purposes during the sewing process. Mannequins with complete physiques are ideal for modeling everything from hats down to shoes. These full-length models are available in many different poses. For display purposes requiring multiple poses, we offer posable mannequins whose bendable joints allow you to change their positions. Another option is the flexible mannequin with a foam body that can be manipulated into many intricate positions.
All mannequins are assets to professionals in the fashion world. Every item looks better modeled by a mannequin than hanging on a hanger.