May 15, 2017 2 min read

CPR Manikinsare essential in emergency training, as you probably know. So whether you are a new emergency care instructor, or you are getting ready to start your training business or even you need to replace your old CPR Manikins, you need to know a few basic things before choosing the mannequins to buy. So in this article, we’re going to show you the top five things you need to take into consideration before buying CPR mannequins.

  1. Consider the amount of time you spend on traveling when you train.

If you spend a lot of time traveling to different locations when you train, then you should choose a smaller and lightweight manikin. Your experience would become less stressful if you get a CPR manikinthat is easy to carry and to set up. Additionally, also consider it to be easy to clean. However, if your main training locations are worksites and shops, then you may prefer sacrificing the weight for increased durability.

  1. Think about what is involved in your training.

You need to choose your manikin depending on what your specific training requirements are. For example, you may need to get the lungs in and out the manikin, and in this case, you may want to be sure that the lungs get in and out easily. Or if you want to use AED trainer unit’s pads on the manikin, you need to ensure that your chosen manikin can be safely used with such pads. Or you may need a manikin with removable parts, such as the face, nose or mouthpiece.

  1. Feedback mechanisms involved.

If your training style requires features such as indicator lights that show when rescue breaths or compressions are being done correctly, then you should rather find a model that has such a feedback system included. However, if such a system would rather be a distraction in your training style, then you should get a model that doesn’t have this feature. You can also check the way the manikin indicates the correct head tilt/chin lift position.

  1. Materials used for the manikin and caring for it.

If you worry about any possible allergic reactions, then you should look for a mannequin that is latex-free. Make sure you know whether your CPR manikinrequires any special cleaning solutions.

  1. Budget

You already know that mannequins come in various sizes and shapes. Not at all surprising, the price also differs. You need to consider your budget and choose the mannequin that best fits your budget and your needs. If you are fine with a manikin that has fewer units but comes from a better brand, then it would be fine to spend some more on it. However, if you need to get more mannequins for your classes, then you may need to consider a more budget-friendly option.

In the end

Once you make sure you consider the five things, you are ready to start looking for the right CPR manikinto use for your training.

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