Spring Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 4/4 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Spring Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 4/4 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
May 15, 2017 2 min read
Whether you are considering a career as a CPR instructor, or you have just gotten your CPR Instructor certification, or you’re already certified to teach CPR and you just want to replace your old manikins, you need to know a few things about CPR manikins first. As it is expected, there are many types of CPR manikins, and they come from various manufacturers. These manikins have specific differences that make them special and appropriate to use in certain venues. Also, price differs depending on specific features, from the type, brand, and features.
CPR manikins are very important in CPR training, as they give the student the feel of what is like to perform CPR. Using the manikin, the instructor guides the student to help them develop the skills needed for delivering chest compression. The student has the chance to learn on the manikin the proper rate and depth needed for the chest compression. With the help of CPR manikins, the students will be ready to use their learned skills into the real life, so they will be able to use these skills to rescue lives when needed.
Before you’re choosing the manikins to buy, you need to know a few details. First of all, you need to know that they vary from basic to advanced models, so you can decide which type is the best for you, depending on some factors. As you probably imagine, basic manikins are available for lower prices, thus they are excellent to buy if you work with a tighter budget. This option allows you to buy more manikins from a certain budget, so you can cover the larger needs for your classes. Most of the basic CPR manikins feature quick set-up and tear-down, realistic head-tilt, clickers for compression depth, and chest rise for rescue breaths.
Advanced manikins come with more features, and they are available at higher prices, depending on what they offer. They include features such as live CPR monitors, feedback devices for indicating when the compressions are done correctly, at the proper rate and depth. More advanced models provide a more human-like feel to the skin, so they give the student more realism to the rescue scenario.
While basic manikins only feature torsos, more advanced ones feature full-bodies. Other models may also include computer interfaces, airway management and intubation and other advanced features that help students with their training. However, these models are mainly designed for other courses, such as EMTs and ALS.
Besides the features, CPR manikins are also available in a range of sizes, shapes, skin tones, and genres. They are available in adult, child, infant, adult and child. In what regards child manikins, they can also be found in various types, as related to certain ages. For example, you can find manikins which resemble children of specific ages, such as 6-month, 3-years, 6-years, and so on.
Now that you know this, it is only up to you to choose the right CPR manikin for you. You need to make your choice based on the budget you have available, the specific needs of your training, and your class size.
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