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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
April 30, 2019 4 min read
It may sound simple — dressing a mannequin is just as easy as throwing on your own pair of pants and a shirt, right?
The truth is, there are plenty of things that make dressing a mannequin trickier than you ever could have believed. One of the most important takeaways is targeting the style of your mannequin specifically for your customers. Learn how to dress a mannequin like a professional with these tips and tricks!
Male mannequins and female mannequins have subtle differences in how they are styled and dressed. It is important to dress a male mannequin specifically with the eyes of your male customers in mind, as that men and women view style very differently.
The most important thing to remember when dressing your male mannequin is not only paying attention to the finished product but also to each individual piece of your styled mannequin.
Here are some of the best tricks to making your male mannequins look the best and draw in more customers than ever.
There is typically a lot more thought that goes into dressing a female mannequin in contrast to a male mannequin. With the addition of accessories and other complexities of women’s fashion, one can only hope to make a good impression right away.
Female mannequins can be dressed in shorts, pants, dresses, skirts… the options are endless. Next, add jewelry, bags, shoes and more, and the opportunities for creating an amazing look can become too much. Luckily, there are some surefire tricks that will help you settle on a style that will represent you, your store and your products successfully.
To dress a mannequin child, there is an added element to consider. Not only must you consider the children that will want to be dressed in your clothes, but you need to appeal to the parent who will be buying those clothes.
It is important to consider a number of elements when learning how to dress a mannequin, especially a child mannequin. These can include but are not limited to:
Creating the perfect mannequin to draw in customers starts with knowing your audience. After that, certain tips and tricks will make sure you can keep those customers and draw in profits.
To learn more about the technical aspects of how to dress a mannequin and how to keep your customers interested, pay attention to all the latest tips from Mannequin Mall.
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