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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
April 30, 2019 4 min read
In your quest to create a perfect visual display for your retail store, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important factors is your mannequins. The mannequins you choose to display your merchandise can make a huge difference in the success of your store and help shape your store’s specific brand. One important factor to consider is your mannequin size when making decisions.
Learn the subtle and not-so-subtle ways that mannequin sizes can influence your store for the better.
Consider this — when you choose salespeople to work in your store, you want them to have a specific look and demeanor in order to sell your clothes.
A woman with no experience in recreational activities and sports, for example, will not be the best person to sell athletic clothing. Similarly, someone with no experience with children will not be the right salesperson to sell to kids or adults with children.
It is the same way with mannequins. You want your mannequins to make your customers feel comfortable, welcome and at home. You want your mannequins to make customers feel as if the clothes they see on them will flatter them as well.
Answer these questions, and you will be on your way to picking the ideal mannequins for your store:
A plus size mannequin is necessary for a store appealing to plus-sized women and men; you cannot expect to put plus-sized clothing on a smaller mannequin without it looking unnatural or unflattering. Plus-sized mannequins are ideal for making your plus-sized clothing look beautiful and appealing to your customers.
Another benefit of purchasing a plus-sized mannequin is to show that you are accepting of all body types and have the clothing to appeal to all shapes of bodies.
There was once a time that ultra-thin women and muscular, brawny men were the only body type recognized by the fashion industry and seen as attractive to potential customers. Luckily, the fashion industry has hit a stride of progression that appreciate all body types as beautiful.
A life size mannequin is perfect for any store that wants to emulate sophistication and life-like displays. With body forms without heads, mannequins without feet or arms or models that are smaller than the average human being, you can give off the appearance of a fake, even tacky display.
Life size mannequins allow you to display a complete outfit in a realistic way. You can pose your mannequin in a way that the customers may pose in real life, giving the potential customer an inside look at how your clothing may look on them.
Life size mannequins are ideal for lingerie shops, as lingerie looks most flattering on life size, realistic looking mannequins. Life size mannequins are also great for full-length pieces, such as pants and dresses or full-length jackets.
If you are looking to create a mannequin for a specific client, life size mannequins are also the best bet for you. Life size mannequins make it easier to size and resize clothing to your customers liking. Some life sized mannequins are even adjustable, allowing you to change its size for every new customer.
No matter what kind of mannequin you’re looking for in your retail store, there are a number of ways to find the best fit for you and make your store an even greater success. The right mannequin — whether it is a plus size, life size or full size mannequin — can make a difference between a store that is thrown together without thought and one that is carefully put together.
Consider the above questions, make thoughtful decisions and find the best mannequin size for your store.
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