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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/7 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
July 01, 2016 3 min read
Have you ever thought of changing the store's vibe without a complete restyling and without too much work? Well, you may want to consider the amazing power of mannequins!
If you're thinking about impressing and gain a wow reaction from your customers or passers-by, then maybe you should find inspiration in memes. More specifically, mannequin memes!
Memes have become a cost-effective marketing strategy as they create awareness or trendiness through the use of an image. Mostly on a humorous note, memes produce an immediate reaction and have the potential of going viral.
Mannequins are a creative and fun way of communication between your customers and your retail store, simply because through a glance they unveil a story, a fantasy and hence lure the buyers into the store. Moreover, mannequins are fun, playful and artistic as they are easy to use and sometimes flexible in shape and they can be adjusted to whatever you imagine.
As for the mannequin memes, they represent a hilarious depiction of the human body and provide a sense of closeness helping form a better bond.
And talking about inspiration, the young and funny atmosphere of these memes can be recreated with the help of mannequins, in order to give a ludicrous touch to the store. Because mannequins are hilarious when properly used... or when they just feel like acting funny.
Here Come The Memes
To illustrate how you can animate your store, we have selected funny mannequin memes to get your ludic inspiration on the rise!
Feeling glamorous yet sloth? You are not the only one! Mannequins can sure get that, a lot more often than you would have thought.
Mannequins get tired of the whole week schedule as well...When you only feel like throwing yourself in the bed, or on the floor.
Rockstar mannequins sure know how to party hard in suits. Classy!
The Black Swan got reincarnated in these mannequins' skin, with a hint of martial arts training.
Looking back at people like..
A true body expression of how Mondays really feel like. Couldn't have said it better ourselves.
Or when mannequins feel so real that you can't even tell the difference anymore.
Or...the salespersons are too kind but the mannequin says it all. No sensibility in there.
Setting yet another female looking standard... level 1000!
This is what happens when the mannequin dresser simply refuses to play by the rules!
These mannequins are sure fed up with normal clothes.
Yet this one is highly excited, you can't get her to stop.
When in need of inspiration... go look at a mannequin!
Too tired to love another mannequin?
Or just too tired of looking fabulous?
But hey, mannequins have a hard time as well. With wedgies…
And when you're a mannequin and you drink too much, this is what might happen.
Mannequins be like...
Been waiting for so long with my hand in the air…
This is the mannequin swag.
Talking about being cool, hipster style.
And when you're feeling happy, and you know it, just show it.
#Hello Gorgeous
This was supposed to be the best day of a lady mannequin's life!
Love is in the store!
And it's got something spicy coming up!
Yes, because mannequins have souls too!
But maybe it's just make-up.
Or maybe it's just...SMASHING!
These mannequins make magic seem real!
And this one brings an old time favorite character to plastic life...
They want to be real so badly.
Mannequins are great fixtures that can tell a story in an easy and fun way. So, depending on your target audience, you can play around with mannequins and integrate the customers into the store's atmosphere smoothly by creating a story they'd like to hear.
Also, you can get more inspiration and the perfect products for your store, by browsing our male and female mannequin collections to create your perfect "meme"!
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