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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/7 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
August 14, 2016 4 min read
If you already own a retail store or work in one you are then mindful of the crucial part that a mannequin holds for the business. For the starters in this domain, you can find a useful article on its importance by reading this piece.
Either way, let's see some tips on what to consider when thinking of purchasing a mannequin:
#1. Purpose
First thing first is the use that you want to attribute to your mannequin. As there are so many types of mannequins on the market, it is important to differentiate your niche and implicitly to know what you are looking for in a mannequin. By establishing your business niche, the choice of a mannequin becomes an easy story.
#2. The store's image
What is the image that you want to convey of your store? As mannequins are significant visual merchandising tools, these art pieces should go hand in hand with the image of the store. Properly used, mannequins can be a very effective tool or not.
#3. Budget
Budget is another aspect that doesn't have to skipped. A financial agenda is highly recommended even in the case of the mannequins. The prices differ greatly, depending on the place of fabrication, on whether it is a designer made mannequin or industrially made, the materials that are used, and the list can go on.
#4. Materials
After establishing the budget you want to attribute, you can then think of other matters such as the materials from which the mannequins are made of. Fiberglass has become increasingly popular, but plastic, resin, metal or wood mannequins are also available. The reason why fiberglass makes the best choice is due its lightness, durability and strength.
#5. Identifying the customers
In order to make the right decision regarding the purchase of some mannequins for your store, it is important to spot the right audience. Knowing your customers means knowing what kind of mannequin you should use. If your target demographic encompasses women, then using male mannequins would be useless and vice-versa.
#6. Harmony
Unless it is an art gallery feel that you are aiming for, consistency plays an important part. And when we say consistency, we actually mean that the mannequins should be of a same type. Choosing different mannequin styles may be quite messy visually and may turn the real focus away from the customer.
#7. Style
The style of the mannequin goes hand in hand with the image that your store wants to prevail. Do you want your mannequin to be modern or maybe have a more classic touch to it? Whether futuristic or vintage, the style is relevant for the store and the customer.
#8. Type
This category is very spread-out. Numerous types of mannequins are out on the market. And only to mention a few, we have headless mannequins, faceless mannequins, realistic, ghost mannequins or on stand. There are really many choices.
#9. Color
Color is an important matter when choosing a mannequin. Uniformity is the usual, but pretty often stores prefer the color diversity in order to express their spirit and encourage everybody to enter their store. Also, the light in the store should be in balance with the color of the mannequins. A white mannequin over a white, plain background may fade into the context.
#10. Action vs. static mannequins
This is an interesting category. Based on your product selection, you can choose an action mannequin (usually for sports articles or lingerie) or static mannequins that go well in basically any type of store.
#11. New vs. second-hand mannequins
The condition of your mannequin should depend on the budget that you have previously established. New mannequins are usually preferred, but there is also the second-hand option for those who don't want to spend too much or don't have the necessary budget.
#12. Full body vs. torso
Full body mannequins usually have a greater impact on the customers mostly because of their realistic appearance. However, with a torso-only mannequin, you win space and they are cheaper than regular ones.
#13. Fixed vs. adjustable
Fixed mannequins do not allow any handling in terms of the arms, legs, elbows etc, as they stay still to their places. The adjustable models are very flexible and allow a greater diversification when considering changing poses and shape.
#14. Storytelling
Mannequins are meant to tell a story. Whenever a customer enters the store, mannequins should send him/her a story through the pose, their display, clothing and so on. This is an important visual merchandising tool that gives sales their effectiveness.
And last but not least...
#15. Comprehensiveness
Overall, the combination of these 15 tips is important in order to get the most out of your mannequins. Visual merchandising is a crucial tool that retail stores (and not only) use to get their sales up to the top. So taking into account these tips will help you get the best out of your mannequins on the long-term.
And if you are interested in finding more on how to use mannequins for your business, we invite you to take a look at our 20 merchandising tips & tricks you need to use. Also, feel free to check out our finest selection of mannequins.
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