Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Mannequin Mall features a large variety of mannequins suitable for every kind of retail venue. Some retailers take pride in using models who represent the diversity of their shoppers. For that reason we offer mannequins representative of different skin colors. If you are looking for a model representing the darker colored customer base, you are in the right place. We supply a selection of African American mannequins with diverse looks. Male and female, made from durable fiberglass or plastic, with different body shapes and poses, our assortment of African American mannequins provides you many choices.
Our darker models come in many different heights and sizes. Their skin tones vary from light tan to brown, representative of many different ethnicities. With a change of wig, accessories, and attire, each model can take on various looks corresponding with different nationalities. If you wish to vary the ethnic groups you intend to represent, your options are endless.
The physiques of our male and female mannequins range from slim to athletic and make your retail clothing look especially flattering and fashionable. By removing certain body parts, the dressing process becomes a breeze. Reassembly is just as simple. Our models ensure that any dress change will be convenient and efficient. Once dressed, our casually posed models appear relaxed and unassuming. Their intricately detailed facial expressions make them seem friendly and familiar, influencing shoppers' opinions and making them feel attracted to the modeled outfits.
The retail clothing industry relies on professional displays which make the merchandise look flattering and suitable for the shoppers’ lifestyles. One way to build a large customer base is by including every sector of society in your marketing and advertising strategies. The use of diverse mannequins and models representative of various ethnicities within your store display or catalog photography will prove to attract many different shoppers. Take a look at our African American mannequins to add to your collection of diverse models.