Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/28 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Mannequin Mall features a collection of gray and silver mannequins for retail venues with an extravagant yet refined decor. These colors are stunning neutrals that harmonize with any color furnishings and merchandise.
Set a silver mannequin in your store window and watch it become the focus of shoppers’ attention. Its luxurious finish provides a royal appearance to its surroundings. Every piece of clothing or other merchandise worn by one of these stunning models will increase in perceived value. High-end boutiques and economical department stores alike will benefit from the classy image.
Our silver and gray mannequins are made from high quality materials, including plastic and fiberglass. While fiberglass models have very realistic features and details, plastic can endure the physical demands of any bustling retail venue.
Simple to take apart and reassemble, our gray mannequins are easy to dress. When clothed, their gray color is the ultimate neutral, enhancing the colors of the clothes.
We feature numerous kinds of silver and gray mannequins of male and female form, from child to adult versions and everything in between.
Our full body versions can model anything from hats to shoes. Mannequin torsos are optimal for showcasing swim wear and undergarments. Model heads are ideal within hair salons and jewelry shops to display wigs and necklaces.
The full-sized gray and silver mannequins are available in many realistic poses. From football stances to gymnastic poses, you have many body positions to select from. In case you need a mannequin capable of holding different poses, consider our posable models with bendable joints.
You are a winner no matter which one of our gray and silver mannequins you invest in. Each model enhances the perceived quality of your store and products. Every good investment increases your profit. Silver mannequins are an asset, grabbing your customers’ attention and influencing them to shop.