35 Valentine's Day Window Display Ideas

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As Valentine's Day comes closer and closer, we thought it was necessary to create a list of the best window displays we can find for this holiday. There are a lot of good ideas out there that you can use as inspiration to create your own unique displays that will enchant your customers to come inside your store. We've already discussed how to prepare your store for Valentine's Day, but is your window on its way to be created or are you still thinking about it?

Here are some of the most amazing window displays, enjoy!

#100. We debut our Valentine's Day window display collection with this amazing creation from the Second Glance. A tribute to this holiday is brought by the big playing cards with red hearts, and the lovely dress form with a fantastic dress made from cards and tulle. All in all a very good window, that's very attractive.

Creative Store Display Window

#99. We don't know where this particular display is form, who made it or what store it belongs to, but its simplicity is absolutely astonishing. It is very ingenious and it focuses the products in whatever point you need. You can also add some intricate or smart lighting for unique effects.

Creative Store Display Window

#98. A very clear way to display and emphasize watches. A bit too much red for our taste but the idea is good and leaves decent spacing between products as to not become crowded. We love those dangling watch boxes, they're a very nice touch.

Creative Store Display Window

#97. A very cute window that's also easy to make. It's easy to make hearts, letters and other Valentine's Day symbols from paper, or by printing them on colored paper. You can create a wide variety of designs that are dazzling, attractive and shows that you are willing to put in the extra effort for your customers.

Creative Store Display Window

#96. The point of Valentine's Day is to target the heart and take chances for that great love you've been dreaming of. This display nails it! The idea of making a heart shaped bulls eye is very inspiring and displaying products between the arrows is also very nice. The prop itself doesn't cost much to make and it's fairly easy if you have the right materials.

Creative Store Display Window

#95. American Apparel always has interesting windows and this one is very provocative, displaying one of the most bought items for V Day, lingerie. That mannequin has been perfectly selected to showcase this set, putting customers in a sexy mood for this special day. Those lips are very suggestive as well.

Creative Store Display Window

#94. Pandora chose a geometrical heart to simulate the fine edges of diamonds, making customers think instinctively of jewelry which comes second place, after candy in terms of purchases for this day alone. The jewelry is also beautifully showcased in these gorgeous display cases.

Creative Store Display Window

#93. Bergdorf Goodman has the most amazing windows on this planet. It is clear that they would put in much effort to create such a sweet and attention grabbing display. There are so many elements that it might seem overcrowded, but the big picture is fantastic and it tells an amazing story.

Creative Store Display Window

#92. Again, we don't know all the details to how this display came to be, but it is absolutely splendid. It practically throws love into your face. That mannequin is also a good fit and it keeps things simple. If you're looking for such a realistic mannequin, feel free to browse our Realistic Mannequin Collection, we're sure you will find something there for your store.

Creative Store Display Window

#91. Macy's makes us believe that magic is real once more with this stunning window display. That whimsical trail has been created from pink and red paper hearts. We love the fact that it's not overcrowded, the pose of the mannequin and that giant hollow heart it's holding, as well as the messages written on the wall.

Creative Store Display Window

#90. It was impossible to create this article without showing you what windows Tiffany's has created over the years for Valentine's Day. They have a unique style o showcase their jewelry that can't be mistaken for anything else. This particular display perfectly sums up the holiday ideal, since many engagements take place on this splendid day.

Creative Store Display Window

#89. Still with Tiffany's, with another fantastic window, this time, it revolves around the idea of communication. It is so subtle that you can barely notice the actual jewelry put on display.

Creative Store Display Window

#88. A beautiful display form Miu Miu that keeps things simple, yet still manages to catch the attention of passersby. This intricate heart scale is a literal feast for the eyes from a design stand point. We also find the gold, red and white color combination to be particularly attractive, practically inviting people to gaze at the products or come inside the store.

Creative Store Display Window

#87. It goes without saying that this particular display from Dolce & Gabbana is highly sophisticated, both in design and from a chromatic standpoint. It goes beyond the perky lines of Valentine's Day to create a more sensual yet distant and confident feeling.

Creative Store Display Window

#86. Back at Tiffany's, we have a special dinner for two lovers that involves that precious question. Those lovely doggies look perfectly crafted, very lively and blend with the scene so well that the first focus is on the gifts.

Creative Store Display Window

#85. We are not absolutely sure that this is one of Bergdorf Goodman's installations, although it has some of its particular traits. Even if it is not, this particular display is very fetching. It has a lascivious and mysterious feeling to it. Something along the lines of what goes on behind theater curtains.

Creative Store Display Window

#84. A beautifully themed display for a flower shop, namely Melton Florist. This gorgeous window sets the mood for a lovely dinner, with champagne to celebrate the feeling of love. The flower arrangements, are suggestive and complete the installation with grace.

Creative Store Display Window

#83. Debenhams taps into the desires of women with this Valentine's Day window display. It's a cute and funny way of showing what they think and how they prepare for the evening candlelit dinner.

Creative Store Display Window

#82. Moschino always creates powerful color contrasts within its displays, this one being no different. It's similar to love goggles and takes us to the "love at first sight moment" that people experience. In other words, this display grabs attention with its simplicity and theme.

Creative Store Display Window

#81. Love gives us a floating feeling and we think that Holt Renfrew was trying to reproduce it in this display. It is absolutely gorgeous and taps into our imagination to invite us into the store. We simply love the idea of a couch that floats due to heart shaped balloons.

Creative Store Display Window

#80. Moving on with the same floating feeling, we found this Louis Vuitton display. They are very consistent with their creations so it doesn't come as a surprise that even this fairly simple one is absolutely stunning and dark/glossy.

Creative Store Display Window

#79. Oh look, another cute window from Debenhams! This time it depicts a funny situation that may happen at the movies. We simply adore the setup, the colors and products used. We also like how they styled their mannequins, and if you are looking for some, feel free check out our Abstract Mannequin Collection.

Creative Store Display Window

#78. This Mulberry window display is all about texture. It also makes us think of jewelry boxes, the kind you offer to your loved ones.

Creative Store Display Window

#77. We're back now with more delicious Louis Vuitton windows. This installation makes us crave for cherries, they looks so realistic, don't you agree? Anyway, it's something original in terms of product showcasing and in the context of Valentine's Day.

Creative Store Display Window

#76. Still with Louis Vuitton we have a special bag delivery idea that comes straight out from the fairy tale books. This wonderful display has a fascinating lighting idea by using all those neon hearts to emphasize the product, as well as liven up the imagery.

Creative Store Display Window

#75. Here we have yet another intriguing display from Moschino, that doesn't focus purely on color contrast, but on creativity. We love how they used mannequins to create giant 3D playing cards, with an emphasis on the hearts.

Creative Store Display Window

#74. More heart shaped helium balloons, this time from Ralph Lauren. A bold and fun window, that showcases apparel in a big way. There are no other distractions and it simply fills your heart up with a childish and warm joy.

Creative Store Display Window

#73. A gorgeous display created for the Modefabriek, fashion exhibit in The Netherlands. There was a similar idea done by Emilie Faif, for the Isabelle Marrant store. You can see it 100+ Creative Store Display Window Designs article. But back to this particular context, it's a perfect fit for Valentine's Day to showcase some of the best classical couples with mannequin legs. The contrast black and white and color contrast emphasizes the products and keeps the focus at the center of each photo.

Creative Store Display Window

#72. This particular window from Desigual, on Oxford Street, London is a bit overly sexualized and chaotic. But it's fun and colorful at the same time, just like the clothing from the brand. We’re actually wondering from where they got that enormous banana prop.

Creative Store Display Window

#71. We adore this display! It's so simple yet it feels so alive. We are sad to inform that we don't know the creators nor the store and its location. It takes us to the moments when we can't stop thinking about the one we love, when our thoughts are chaotic, yet we have a certainty deep down inside that everything is going to be just fine.

Creative Store Display Window

#70. A nice thought that is distinct, while all the rest are thinking about their loved ones, TOMS acted out and created a campaign in which needy children get a bit of love themselves. Also, since we're focused on window display designs and not campaigns, we enjoy the simplicity and roughness of this window.

Creative Store Display Window

#69. Not 100% original but we really enjoy the craftsmanship with this window. Nothing is left to chance and the combination of white, red and orange is very suggestive, not to mention the big heart in the middle. The Orange Beautiful stationery store from IL, used their own materials for this window and they did a very good job.

Creative Store Display Window

#68. If we mentioned Tiffany's, it was a bit absurd to not see and show a window from Swarovski. A very sweet display of jewelry by using big Valentine's Day candy, to contrast with the small jewelry on display.

Creative Store Display Window

#67. This window from Chantal Thomas takes us for a ride in the Valentine's Day "dream" with lovely pink hues, clouds, big roses and some sexy lingerie.

Creative Store Display Window

#66. Macaroons and scented bath oils or shower gels for Valentine's Day! This window display comes all the way from 2012, from The Hudson Bay. It uses very interesting elements in the same context, but we are not sure how all of them are related. All in all a nice window that has earned its spot in our list.

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