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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/7 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
White mannequins are popular within the retail realm. These mannequins are abstract and do not appear real. For that reason, the focus will be on the clothes placed on their bodies. Additionally, the white “canvas” serves to offset the clothing, making the colors of the merchandise stand out.
Our white mannequins are offered with both female and male bodies. They come in child, teenage, as well as adult models. Their varying heights and measurements provide an ample selection in order to satisfy any retail needs.
Most white mannequins are made of fiberglass or plastic. Some of the models are positioned into a particular pose. These poses range from sitting, running, to standing with the arms in all kinds of natural placements. Other mannequins have bendable joints so that they can be placed into different positions as the need arises.
Another type of white mannequin is made of a dense foam covered in linen or other fabric. These models are completely flexible. Their bodies can be manipulated into countless poses, including sitting position. Flexible mannequins are often used as crash test dummies and car models. They are also utilized by designers and tailors to pin fabrics and clothes onto their foam bodies.
While many white mannequins are complete from head to toe, there are also more abstract versions. Headless mannequins with a full body are a popular alternate choice. Another option is a mannequin torso, reaching only from head to crotch. For those businesses selling items such as wigs or jewelry, a head mannequin is the most affordable option. The latest invention is the “ghost mannequin.” Its removable body parts allow it to remain indiscernible under any clothing it wears, making it appear to be a clothed ghost.
With all the variations of white mannequins, any business can easily find the ideal mannequin to fit its display needs.