Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 2/14 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 2/14 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Fleshtone mannequins are in high demand within the retail business. While white and black mannequins made of plastic are a more affordable option, many retail businesses prefer the flesh colored mannequins because customers can relate more to models which look real. The more human a mannequin appears, the more easily the customer can imagine what the clothes would look like on his or her own body.
Our fleshtone mannequins are available in both male and female form. Their heights and measurements vary. There are child fleshtone mannequins as well as teenage and adult versions. Their colors tend to range from beige to brown fleshtone.
Most flesh-colored mannequins are made of fiberglass and have intricately detailed, hand-painted faces in order to provide that realistic, human appearance. You can choose from mannequins which are posed in many different positions to suit many different retail needs.
If your retail business requires a mannequin of different poses, you may opt for a posable fleshtone mannequin. These particular mannequins have moving joints so that they can be placed in varying positions depending on the display requirements. Another possibility is the flexible mannequin made of durable foam that can be manipulated into a countless range of poses.
If you are looking for a more affordable fleshtone mannequin, consider headless mannequins. This type of mannequin has a full body, usually made of fiberglass, but does not include the head. This model is a great way to draw attention to clothing placed on the body while cutting costs associated with hand-painted faces and mannequin wigs.
A third option of fleshtone mannequins is the torso model. These fleshtone mannequins feature just the torso from neck to crotch. They tend to be made of cost-effective plastic polyethylene. If you are on a budget yet need to show of your retail clothes on realistic bodies, consider the male and female torso fleshtone mannequins offered in our store.