Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 2/14 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 2/14 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Mannequin Mall features a wide assortment of mannequins for all kinds of professionals in the fashion industry, including retailers and photographers. It is our job to provide your business with mannequins of the highest quality on the market. Many businesses prefer abstract and egghead mannequins for their display needs. This particular type of model is popular due to the ambiguous image it presents, easily appealing to any sector of the customer base. Browse through our selection and consider all the abstract and egghead mannequins at your disposal.
The reason abstract and egghead mannequins are in high demand among retailers is due to their unrealistic looks. Their faces either include just a hint of features or are entirely featureless. This vague appearance allows the mannequin to be representative of the average customer. Wigs and accessories are not needed to make the faceless models complete. There are no details distracting the shoppers’ eyes. All the focus is on the featured merchandise.
From child to adult, female as well as male, from slim to plus-sized, our unrealistic and egghead models cover the entire spectrum. Each mannequin has different measurements. The majority is either white, black, or flesh-colored. Some retailers, however, want to capture shoppers’ attention with less neutral, more colorful models. They can select from all the colors of the rainbow or shimmery metallic shades. These vibrantly colored models take the spotlight in many retail venues.
Retailers can also choose from partial as well as complete figures. Depending on their professional purposes, they might require just a model head or a torso. If they retail products ranging from head gear to shoes, the complete physique models would be the most sensible option. These are available in many different kind of poses, appearing to be anything from casual to flirtatious, as well as stationary to active. There are also posable models with bendable joints for your consideration. They can be placed into many different poses. Your choices are endless.