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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/7 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
April 13, 2017 4 min read
In medicine, the art of moulage has become identical with applying simulated wounds or ailments on manikins to enhance effectiveness of various CPR, BLS & ALS training among healthcare practitioners and emergency response practitioners. Moulage, props and clothing are used together with manikins to present students with assessment pointers. There are Moulage kits for first aid trainingand Moulage kits for CPR manikins.
Moulage in Medical Simulation
The use of Moulage started during the 19th century when trainers adopted moulds of real-life situations so they can show different wounds and sicknesses to medical interns. Fire fighters, Emergency Medical teams, first aid responders, and soldiers used trauma Moulage. Meanwhile, surgeons, family physicians, and nurses made use of medical Moulage.
Nowadays, it is possible to buy and use Moulage kits for first aid trainingfor the purpose of increasing the application of your courses. The kit is ideal for healthcare simulations and used by educators and technology experts for Moulage techniques, molding equipment, make-up applications, adhesives, and cleaning supplies.
Nearly all simulated patient cases related to trauma require Moulage, medical simulation of internal disorders do not entail use of make-up. However, fundamental Moulage techniques which include application of water mainly to highlight sweating caused by fevers or blue water colors on the training manikin’s skin to signal hypertension. Complex Moulage procedures pertaining to trauma call for extensive preparations.
First Aid Training
Moulage kits for first aid trainingwere designed especially for emergency preparedness courses. Said modules are common to government agencies, law enforcement authorities (police), fire departments, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Trainings consist of basics such as creating wounds, cuts, bluish skin conditions, burns, and fractures. Kits normally includes the following items:
CPR Manikins
Moulage kits for CPR manikins are also widely used. It does not only involve trauma conditions but the use of lifelike manikins to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or diagnose certain ailments. The key is to perform Moulage on dummies or real people. Simulated wounds, blood, fractures, and injuries on manikins for training give trainees an idea of what to expect during real accidents or emergencies.
The Moulage kits for CPR manikins help trainers and students alike to demonstrate actual happenings. Application of Moulage techniques on training manikins as mode of instruction is a form of realistic setting enabling trainings to do without the difference between actual and simulated patients. More importantly, the system helps them immerse in the learning progression.
Training Enhancement
At first, immersion in simulated learning utilizing manikins as if there were human beings was not appreciated by stakeholders in this sector. Yet, simulation training gradually became popular as healthcare practitioners realized the value of tools and techniques like Moulage kits for first aid training.
Effective use of the human senses and how people engage with other people in the medical environment paved the way for effective Moulage. Little by little, the skepticism on simulated instructions disappeared. Nonetheless, Moulage may be hard to adopt and use without understanding the entire concept, its features and benefits. For example, fundamental instructions regarding compatibility of materials like water and latex help create authentic Moulage that remains durable despite repeated use.
Internet technology has been a big factor to communicate to end-users the effectiveness of Moulage kits for first aid trainingand Moulage kits for CPR manikins. Students can now watch instructions through You Tube videos, webinars and online forums. In other words, Moulage can be learned easily if learners remain patient and make use of sophisticated instruction methods.
Popular Moulage Kits
Some of the highly popular products in the market are Trauma Moulage kits that can be used with practically all kinds of rescue manikins, full body trainers, and trauma CPR manikin. Application of realistic bleeding Moulage on full body dummies lead to prompt identification, diagnosis and treatment of wounds. These kits consist of the following accessories:
The strap-on bleeding wounds come with pump assemblies while non-strap wounds also include 2nd and 3rd degree burns on the face, chest, forearm, and back. Simulated blood is included in the package but manikins are sold separately.
Manufacturers of Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) Moulage kits for first aid trainingand Moulage kits for CPR manikins introduced a new product called BTLS Victim injury Set consisting of set of wound lay-on, simulated blood and blood splatters particularly for manikins to replicate injuries contained in the BTLS Instructor Manual. Injuries included in the package comprise 12 different patient conditions which are:
There are basic casualty kits which are the most cost-effective manner of getting started for simulated injuries. Reusable lesions or lacerations as well as refillable accessories allow students to get acquainted with bandaging and splinting. On the other hand, multiple casualty kits are meant for more complicated wounds and complex techniques in dressing wounds and application of splints.
The adoption of these Moulage kits for first aid trainingand Moulage kits for CPR manikins in training have produced positive results so far. It is just a matter of choosing affordable products supplied by respectable merchants.Comments will be approved before showing up.