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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/7 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Mannequin Mall features a wide selection of display mannequins for retailers, photographers, and seamstresses alike. Most of these models are posed in a fixed position. Some retailers and photographers have a need for models that can strike various poses. For those professionals, we offer our flexible and posable mannequins. If you need to change up the positioning of your display model to create various different display scenes, consider our selection of movable mannequins. As with all of our models, our flexible and posable mannequins come in a great variety. Male and female, of different shapes, colors, and sizes, they cover the whole spectrum.
Our posable models tend to be made of fiberglass or plastic. Depending on the mannequin, different body parts can be moved due to the bendable joints. A simple version might only allow for mobility at the shoulders and thighs. Other variations enable you to move even elbows, knees, and necks. This ability to move body parts at the joints lets you place your mannequin into many different poses. One day you might dress it in running shoes, athletic shorts, and an exercise top and bend its body into a running position. For another display, you may opt to move your model into a casual stance with both feet on the floor and hands at the hips. There are many options with posable mannequins, yet they have their restrictions. It would be difficult to bend them into intricate positions.
The second type is the flexible mannequin. Made out of dense foam covered in high quality cloth, this model can be bent countless ways. You could bend it at the waist and place it in a sitting position. Yoga poses are definitely best left to the flexible models. Their bodies are extremely flexible, yet built to last. They are even utilized as crash test dummies by automobile testers.
If your display needs call for mannequins with intricate poses or you need a model that can change up its position whenever necessary, then consider our assortment of high quality flexible and posable mannequins.
The most important aspect of mannequin shopping is realizing the intended purpose for that mannequin. Some customers have a specific pose in mind where a traditional mannequin won’t do the job. That is when customers consider if flexible or articulated mannequins are ideal for their business.
This includes arms, legs, shoulders, and a head that can be turned. Poseable mannequins are nearly identical to flexible mannequins, but the one major difference is that one has joints and the other doesn’t. Depending on the merchandise your business sells, you can make better use of a posable mannequin over a flexible mannequin.
Articulated mannequins are best suited for displaying mannequins in a particular type of activity or sport such as horseback or motorcycle riding, weightlifting, golfing, and many more. Because poseable and flexible mannequins offer more versatility, they can represent a brand better because their pose is more customizable than a traditional mannequin that can not be moved.
Mannequin Mall offers a variety of different male and female articulated mannequins that can professionally represent your brand. Versatility may be one of the most important aspects of effectively advertising your merchandise, which is why we understand the importance of offering different mannequin alternatives for the best results. Take a look at the different mannequin types we offer and make a decision based on what meets your criteria.
Flexible mannequins can be bent and twisted any way you want
A flexible mannequin is perfect for the most basic type of uses. If you are looking for a full length mannequin that can stand motionless and represent your merchandise, with basic versatility, this is a great choice.
This is a popular mannequin that is used for display in traditional retail stores, movies, tv shows, and even used by car companies as crash-test dummies. We have even been sent photos of our flexible mannequins being used as a car-pool buddy!
Flexible mannequins are typically cheaper than posable and articulated mannequins because of the simplicity of their design. They are typically made of a dense foam and can be posed into all various kind of positions because of their flexibility. These type of dummies can even be bent over backwards...that’s how flexible they are. These mannequins come with or without a realistic face although the mannequin without a face is our most popular. Bend and twist this type of mannequin any way you want. Browse through our large flexible mannequin selection today and find the perfect model to fit your store’s needs!
Poseable mannequins are under a similar category of flexible mannequins but are different in the areas of motion and posing. Flexible mannequins are made of foam while poseable mannequins are made of fiberglass or plastic. Another difference that poseable mannequins have are that they have joints that can twist and turn whereas flexible mannequins are made of foam with no joints.
Poseable mannequins are more expensive and look better than flexible ones, so if you are looking to display these mannequins in a retail store or shown to the public, poseable mannequins are probably the better choice. You also have the option of choosing various different colors and finishes when buying a poseable mannequin whether you want white, black, gray, and we also now have realistic poseable mannequins as well.
Articulated Mannequins are comparable to poseable mannequins based on similar design features and functionality. It is just another term used when someone is looking for a mannequin with joints that can be put into a custom pose or position. As always, Mannequin Mall has a huge selection of these.
This type of model is best suited for brands with a very specific identity. A brand that is known for some kind of action or sport. For example, horseback riding, bicycling, motorcycle riding, lifting weights, and many more. These are the type of customers that are interested in our articulated mannequins the most because they need the mannequin to be performing some type of action.
The quality and durability of these models also make them a great candidate for representing your merchandise in your retail store. Articulated Mannequins are our top recommendation to businesses that are selling merchandise that implies the performance of very specific activities. We have a large selection of articulated mannequins that can accommodate any retail store, online or tailor shop.
Based on everything you’ve learned about these three different mannequins, we hope that you can make more of an informed decision. The mannequin you decide on will ultimately propel your business forward and help your merchandise expand your audience. If you are still unsure about which mannequin would be the best representation of your merchandise, we would recommend buying one of each mannequin and then re-evaluating which you prefer. You can also call our customer support team during business hours and ask!
If these don’t match what you are looking for you can take a look at our selection and look for other products such as:
Some brands would benefit more from having multiple types of mannequins wearing their merchandise, so it’s definitely worth the investment in seeing what works the best for your particular brand. We look forward to working with your business and meeting your expectations for your mannequin requirements.