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Sale Up To 40% Off On Select Items Until Friday 3/14 Midnight - No Coupon Code Necessary
Display mannequins help retail fashion businesses in showcasing their products. They include both mannequins as well as dress forms. Whether you are a fashion retail store, corporate company, or museum, we can help you find the perfect mannequins or dress forms here at Mannequin Mall. We offer the largest selection of display mannequins at the best prices.
Mannequins and forms are offered in a wide array of models in order to cater to many different types of businesses. Search on our website and you can find everything you need. Options include male and female bodies from toddler to adult, different heights and measurements, as well as varying colors including white, black, and skin tones. The styles we offer are absolutely endless and we make shopping with us incredibly easy.
While some businesses may be looking for a mannequin in one particular pose, other companies might need a model which can be placed into different poses. We take that everyone has different tastes into account and offer a wide selection of mannequins and dress forms for everybody. One type of posable display mannequin has movable joints so that its limbs can be moved around. Another kind of mannequin is made of flexible foam, allowing it to be placed in more intricate positions such as sitting. We even have mannequins that are just heads. Shopping with us is easy and we ship directly to your door.
Display mannequins and dress forms come in abstract as well as realistic varieties. Some businesses want a mannequin which looks very human so that customers can relate to it. These realistic mannequins tend to be made of fiberglass and include hand-painted faces as well as mannequin wigs for a lifelike appearance depending on the styles you prefer. Mannequin Mall offers a wide selection of display mannequins to show off your clothing as well as accessories like jewelry, handbags, and more. The search for your display mannequin is over. You've come to the right place.
Other mannequins are abstract in order to draw attention to the clothes on the bodies. One kind of abstract mannequin is headless (if you prefer a mannequin without a head) but features a complete body in order to show off clothing articles. Another version includes solely the torso portion and is popular among online retailers. There is a new addition to the display mannequin market which is often referred to as a “ghost mannequin.” These mannequins are of the torso variety, yet with one extra detail. The torso has removable parts such as the neck. Once the clothing has been placed on this model, the visible parts are removed until it appears to be a ghost wearing clothes. For example, if you are an ecommerce store and want to show off a dress as one of your products, you would use this type of mannequin to create product photos.
There are also dress forms. These dress forms also go by other names such as sewing mannequins, dressmaker forms, seamstress mannequins, and a few more. These are used primarily for design. We have a huge selection of dress forms as well, and we supply them to some of the biggest fashion brands and stores in the USA. We also supply these forms to many of the top fashion schools in the country. It is also part of our mission to help fashion students so once a year we supply our products as a donation as well. These forms also come in a variety of styles as well. Our forms are incredibly high quality and made with industrial materials to last for a very long time. We make shopping for these forms easy as well and accept payment by all major credit cards.
For every business that needs a display mannequin, there is the perfect model within our store.